Sunday, 10 January 2016

Advanced and Alternative Cancer Treatment Clinic – Dr. ForSythe

Cancer is the most common and dangerous disease. Cancer is a microbial disease, not a DNA disease. There are different types of cancer which can be known by regular self-exam; test or screening measures. Types of cancer are skin, breast, mouth, testicles, prostate, and rectum. Causes of cancer include heredity, tobacco smoke, radiation, ultraviolet radiation from the sun, food toxins and environmental chemicals. Cancer results when these causes bring about an increase in oncogenes and reduction in tumour suppressor genes, DNA repair genes, and self-destruction genes.

Most cases of cancer are detected and diagnosed after a tumour can be felt or when other symptoms develop. Cancer treatment also depends upon the type of cancer and stage of cancer. Treatment for cancer is the process to diagnose and treat the abnormal cells. Main purpose of the cancer treatment is to kill the malignant cells and save them from further infecting the body of victim. Surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, hormone therapy are the various methods of cancer treatment. Radiotherapy is the most advanced form of cancer treatment and is usually taken as the last resort for treating malignant tumors. 

Alternative treatments of cancer are also available. It includes natural treatments to deal with various problems faced by advanced cancer patients. The common combinations of these treatments are roots, seeds, oils and substances that are purely natural and do not have any artificial chemicals. There are no severe side effects of it as treatments are all natural and also alternative cancer treatment is easy, effective and inexpensive.

Dr. James Forsythe is cancer treatment specialist who provides all these facilities and services in USA for the treatment of all adult cancers.